3 new Junior Trainers – Congratulations!
TBBF is happy to welcome three new Junior Trainers.
Martina Schadewald – Nico Richter – Evelyn Werner
They received their training from Edeltraut and Wolfgang Richter. In September they joined the ranks of certified TBBF Junior Trainers and practice our sport together with Edeltraut and Wolfgang in their club “Verein der Lebensenergie e.V. Suhl”.
Congratulations💐and all the best👍.
Mike Ritz
BailongBall Instructor
Congrats to new Junior Trainers! Our TBBF family is growing😃👍
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und willkommen in der TBBF Trainer Familie
Parabéns aos novos treinadores juniores 👌