New on our website
We have added videos to our website showing some of the Game techniques. These are 28 videos recorded by the son of Professor Bairong, the inventor of our sport.
They are a mixture of turns of varying degrees of difficulty. The videos shown here demonstrate techniques that are relevant for training to become a senior coach.
This means that by no means all the turns are listed here. You may have already seen some of them in our blog posts that are not listed here. The best place to look for them is on the overview page of our blogs under the term “advanced techniques”.

You can get to the new page via the page „THE SPORT„.

On the new page, among other things, you can see what the videos are about.

Here you can find the videos and also blog posts about some of the swings.

Thank you! A very exciting game!
Indeed – and lots of fun 😃
Schöne Aufnahme und hat viel Spaß gemacht.
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Sehr hilfreich, danke