Allways in Flow – Learn the “Heaven & Earth Form”

Off to the second round of Taiji BailongBall Federation’s (TBBF) series of online sessions, as announced. You have the chance to learn three different BailongBall forms from their creators – and it is totally for free!

After Olga Ardasheva’s "Latina-Form", in these 6 sessions Irina Rusavina will convey her form “Heaven & Earth” to us.

As usual, all sessions are being recorded and at the end of the post you will find links to sessions that have already taken place. And without further ado, here are the opening and the first element:

We started the Heaven & Earth form on Thursday, February 10, 2022. The following recordings are from this session. Unfortunately we had a few “jerks in the transmission” – that’s live 😉

That were the introduction and the first moves.

Here are the initial elements individually:

Opening – front view:

Opening – back view:

Front & Back Wrapping – front view:

Front & Back Wrapping – back view:

So, that was the initial training for our new form. Lots of details to pay attention to: fingers, hands, feet, racket and ball – everything needs to be in the right position, at the right time and in an aesthetic manner. Let Irina show you how to do it the easiest way. Our recording has many useful tips and tricks. Why don’t you watch the rest of the online session right here:

YouTube player

And what’s the next step? Well, the training sessions are on Thursdays at 19:30 CET. The next session of this block is on February 24, 2022. As a reminder, the trainings are every two weeks. Just like this block on the “Heaven & Earth Form” and the last one on the “Latina Form”, Susanne’s upcoming block will also be six sessions.

You do not have the link to the sessions, yet? Then get in touch with us via our contact form. In addition to your name and email, please enter “TBBF Always in Flow” in the subject box and simply put “Please send me the link to the Zoom Session” in the your message box.

Do you want to see the recordings of all sessions? Then check back here regularly and follow the date link of each session – we will publish the recordings shortly after each session:

  1. Warm-up, opening, front & back wrapping (see also above link / above video), 10.02.2022
  2. Today’s session of Feb 24th, 2022 had to be cancelled – Stay tuned to this blog for rescheduling

We are looking forward to seeing you and practicing together with you.

Irina Rusavina BailongBall Instructor
Mike Ritz
BailongBall Trainer

2 thoughts on “Allways in Flow – Lerne die „Himmel & Erde Form“

  1. Xiaofei sagt:

    Heaven and earth is such a beautifully chosen expression, thank you dear Irina! It means life and harmony, which we wish for everyone in the world.

  2. Mike Ritz sagt:

    Updated the blog with the link to the first recording (session 1, on Feb. 10th).

    Today’s session had to be cancelled. Stay tuned to this blog for updates.

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