BailongBall 2019 – A Review

Everybody is on their way to the new year. And, yet, we would like to look back at what happened 2019 “in BailongBall world” – there was something for everybody:

  • Getting people together, who enjoy BailongBall – that was the idea of our “Meeting of Regulars“. A socializing that took place three times, already and we’ll continue it in 2020.
  • Like the years before, our sport was represented at various cross-regional events, like for instance a World Day of TaijiQuan, a fitness trade fair, a state gymnastics festival, on (theater) stage and many other local events, to numerous to be listed, here.
  • Competitions and open championships covering all disciplines were awating those, who enjoy a challenge – for instance in China, the motherland of our sport. Jinzhong was host to the international BailongBall championships and Professor Bai Rong, inventor of the sport shared some insights to interested newcomers and held workshops. Russia is establishing a tradition for competition and championships, rooting in cities like Lipetsk and St. Petersburg.
  • Tradition holds, that Hamburg carried out the annual Supervision. During the first week end of October, the TBBA trainers got to extend their licenses. Following up on last year’s success, the Supervision was combined with a workshop, open to all interested. In addition to October, there will be a second Supervision week end in 2020, in Bensheim, which will be accompanied by a workshop week. Stay tuned for details on this web site.
  • Aspiring Assistant Trainers, now have an additional training path they can pursue. On top of the traditional full training week, there is now the option to be trained on week ends, spread out over 3 months. While the training week addresses those, who want to get certified as quick as possible, the week end program allows for time to practice on your own, practicing over a longer period and, deepening to one’s own pace.
  • BailongBall found its way into various publications, again. In the June publication of “Gymnastik”, the healthy effects of the sport were explained in some detail. Especially the energetic effects of BailongBall are layed out in the book “Spiral of Happiness” (“Spirale des Glücks”).
  • Bailo is the new member in our family of rackets. It is small and an ideal companion on the road or for some spontaneous playing, wherever you just happen to be. As it is made of solid material, through and through, it is also great for praticing Freestyle elements and requires you to move your entire body, to keep the ball on the racket. Therefore, Bailo helps you improve your moves and the sharpens the skills at the heart of BailongBall.
  • To help you create your own choreography, we have started a video series on Freestyle. Also, following our series on basic techniques, we have started a video series on advanced techniques. Both new series to be continued next year.

As always, our thanks goes out to all players, trainers and supporters of our sport. Keep swinging and let’s touch base next year 🙂

Mike Ritz
BailongBall Trainer

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