BailongBall in Rostock – a place to go for young and old
In the current issue of the Red Cross magazine Mecklenburg-Vorpommern “extra.stark!”, …
… trainer Heidi Rempel and her players are once again the point of contact for young and old. For one week the German Red Cross “Stadtteil- und Bewegungszentrum” in Rostock has put together a colorful program for everyone. Heidi and her BailongBall team led through the Tuesday program. Read more about the event and the Rostock BailongBall players in the article:
Here is the text only, for easier reading:
“In the large event room, there is a lot of sport going on, today. Taiji Bailong Ball combines the idea of racket ball sports with the spirit and health effects of traditional movement arts. At 11:30 a.m. Heidi Rempel, certified trainer, starts her course. Eight people interested in sports gladly accept the offer to get out of the house and do something for their health. They all dressed up, today. And for the next district festival Heidi Rempel wants to shoot a little film and introduce the group.”“
Do you live in Rostock or the surrounding area? Then stop by at Heidi’s training and check it out. Details on her web site.
Mike Ritz
BailongBall Trainer
Still going strong!!
Absolutely ?