What do Bailongball and Burn-Out have in common? On first sight perhaps only that we can imagine exercising to be good for people suffering from burn-out or similar psychosomatic conditions. To a certain extend this is true. However, it is crucial to view the type, form and intention of the exercise in context of improving your situation. Having said this, I should elaborate a little on how Bailongball can contribute to the therapeutical process to add value.

How do we reach the state of burn-out?
When there is a permanent imbalance of what we have to deliver to what we are capable of handling, our vegetative nervous system is impacted. It changes to the point that our calming brach of the nervous system, known as the parasympathetic nervous system, is no longer capable of counterbalancing its acion related sibling, the sympathetic nervous system. Our vegetative nervous system can cope with such imbalances for quite some time. Its increaseing of our load bearing capacity is certainly one of its strongest trades. And yet, it is also keeps us from staying in touch with the taxing effect the overburdening has on us.

To a certain degree, our vegetative nervous system is similar to a credit card debt building up over time. We need to keep in mind, that we have to pay off the debts and may even incur interest on the credit but also, that the credit limit is not endless. At the same time, we need to always be aware of where we are currently standing. Its when this regulation is impeeded, that we fall victim to phenomenons like burn-out, depressions, fear, panic attacks and the like.

In principal, most people understand that they have to compensate for the taxing activities and work loads they engage in. If, however, I pay a visit to the fitness studio after a long day of work, my body will have to endure even more and will not get to recouperate. Therefore, it is important to exercise in a way, that I can activate the parasympathetic nervous system as a stabilizing factor.

And this brings us to Bailongball. It is a sport of circular and practically endless movements. Even if I play for points, the central aim is not to win over your opponent but rather to level and harmonize body, soul and mind. It is only when I achieve this goal, that I manage to keep the ball on the racket or to return it to my partner, using my entire body in the process.

The conitinuous circular movements, render clear targets irrelevant and empower me to reach a neutral meditative state. This is when the Parasympathetic Nervous System activates to compensate the daily and unplanned for stress and regulates energetic imbalances.

In terms of advanced exercises, this means that the easier the exercise becomes, the more it makes sense to either introduce and practice new moves or to perfectionize the known ones, possibly under more difficult conditions (like with closed eyes, using the less skilled arm, playing withmultiple rackets, harder balls and or harder balls and the like). This keeps me in a state, in which I am constantly challenged. I also will not get bored, leading to an ongoing stimulus of the Parasympathetic Nervous System. It ultimately allows for active improvement of your physical and mental state.

And on this note I wish you happy swinging as one of the best means to keep imminent burn-out off your door step.

Fritjof Nelting
Bailongball Instructor
Geschäftsführer der Gezeiten Haus Gruppe

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