Lehrgang Details   Course Details

Learn Taiji Bailong Ball soundly!

Would like you to learn Bailongball/Roliball properly and with joy? The association of Taiji Bailong Ball Association e:V. offers under the supervision of inventor Prof. Bai Rong Pro-Player-Courses which provides the complete Bailongball/Roliball system with theoretical knowledge and above all practical implementation.

Who are the TBB-Instructors?

The instructors of the TBBA are beside the inventor Prof. Bai Rong, TBBA-Instructors Sui Xiaofei (Germany / China), Fritjof Nelting (Germany), Maya Lentze (Netherlands), Jonn van Schoot (Netherlands), Fabrizio Monga (Italy) and Olga Ardasheva (Russia). All instructors in Europe dispose of long-standing experiences and special abilities and have all run through a structured Bailongball/Roliball education

How long does this course take?

This course lasts a total of 30 hours. This means there will be 6 hours of training per day on the five days. The daily training is varied and offers the whole spectrum of bailong ball.

What do I master after this course?

After the course, everyone has firmly internalized the philosophy of sport! On this basis, the basic and advanced moves learned can be deepened at home without any problems. Soloplay and one’s own body control and spatial thinking form the foundation for the development of advanced exercise sequences. In Soloplay, various standard forms and freestyle elements are practiced. In Multiplay all playing techniques are taught step by step with a lot of fun, so that a fluent playing together in the sense of the sport is possible.

How do I become a certified TBBA Trainer Assistant?

To become a TBBA Trainer Assistant, you must attend a course of at least 30 hours. Several times a year there are examinations for the TBBA Trainer Assistant, whereby practical contents are tested. After passing the exam you will receive the Trainer-Assistant-Certificate.

What else do I have to do?

You should have an affinity for movement. Previous knowledge of eastern movements or other ball sports is desirable, but by no means necessary!

How much does the course cost?

The course fee is € 498. 00 for the 30-hour training led by at least one qualified TBBA instructor. If you do not have your own, the necessary equipment will be provided during the course and can then be purchased from our equipment sales partner.

Duration: 30 time hours
Place: Hamburg (Wiegersen)
Sporthall of Municipal of Sauensiek
Zum Viertelsberg 2, 21644 Wiegersen, Germany
Course Instructor: Bailongball-Instructors Fabrizio Monga u./o. Sui Xiaofei
Date: 8. – 12. Oktober 2018
Exam: a exam for Trainer-Assistant is possible on
12th of October 2018
Languages: English, German, Italian, Chinese
Number of participants: Minimum 6 participants
Course-Fee: € 498.00
plus exam-fee in the amount of € 50.00

7.10.: Arrival; group ride by car from Hamburg-Mainstation and Airport is possible
20:00 Meeting at Seminarhaus Rittergut


08:00 – 12:00 Training
12:00 – 14:00 Break
14:00 – 17:00 Training


08:00 – 12:00 Training
12:00 – 14:00 Break
14:00 – 16:00 Training


11:00 – 13:00 Training
13:00 – 14:00 Break
14:00 – 17:00 Training

12.10. :

08:00-12:00 Training
12:00-13:00 Break
13:00-14:00 Training p.r.n. Exam
End; group ride by car to Hamburg-Mainstation and Airport is possible

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