Experiences with the Online BailongBall Junior Trainer Program
from the end of September 2020 until mid-April 2021
We started with the following plan: Half the time we train via web conference and the other half traditionally, on site.
So on October 26, 2020, we started our first web conference based training session and shimmied from one pandemic social distancing ruling to the next. Bottom line: the entire Junior Trainer training took place via Zoom.
This required a lot of flexibility from the trainers Susanne Ritz, Mike Ritz and Shannon Ritz as well as from us, but this also had advantages, as we were able to schedule appointments at relatively short notice. We had different time windows, ranging from one hour to 4 hours, including breaks.
The challenges:
… sometimes the Internet connection – there were delays in the transmission of the execution of the movement, which initially caused some confusion.
…in which rooms can we play BailongBall well in our households? After all, the winter was very cold and it was dark early, right after work! We ended up resorting to seven different places, but always with low ceilings and limited space!!!
…do the instructors always see our entire body and, therefore, the movement as a whole? – sometimes the corrections were not complete because of this.
The bright side:
… the unexpected possibilities that online training can offer. We have successfully mastered the goals of the program and also passed the exam on April 11, 2021. I.e. it is possible to learn movements through the camera lens.
…the tireless patience, to deal with even the smallest movement executions and to improve them specifically.
…many appointments, but time in between to practice and consolidate what has been learned.
…music supports the motivation and also the suppleness of movement during training
We are looking forward to playing with more space around us, height and width, and to give it a try with the net…
Our conclusion:
It is doable and fun!
Huge thanks again with a ‘reverse eight’ to the team of trainers and Markus, the examiner.
Meike Schröer
BailongBall Trainer
Gitta Axmann
BailongBall Trainer

2 thoughts on “Erfahrungen mit der Online BailongBall Junior Trainer Ausbildung

  1. Pingback: TBBA Zertifizierungen - so wirst Du zum Junior Trainer (3/3) - Bailong Ball

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