„The stage is yours alone“ – you have created your own choreography, to the music that suits you, you move in your individual way. You „balance“ the ball on the racket, release it skillfully and catch it again or even use several rackets and balls at the same time – all this in round and full-body movements.Sync
„The stage is yours“ – you all have created your joint choreography, to the music that suits you all, moving in your own way, in sync with each other. You „balance“ the ball on the racket, skillfully release it and catch it again, or even use several rackets and balls at the same time – all this in round and full-body movements.Synergy
„The stage is yours“ – you all have created your joint choreography, to the music that suits you, moving in your own way, in coordinated movements, complementary to one another. You „balance“ the ball on the racket, skillfully let it out and catch it again, or even use several rackets and balls at the same time – all this in round and full-body movements.Single
You might know it from figure skating – with the right music, a matching outfit and a coordinated choreography you are transported into another world for a short time. Whether with traditional costumes, extravagant clothing or the comfortable leisure suit, whether melodically emphasized sounds, rousing impulsive rhythms or contemplative relaxing pieces you alone determine „which world is to be explored“. And now without skates, but with racket and ball – a few examples of individual choreographies.Sync
Do you know synchronous dance – the synchronous moving to a rehearsed self-created choreography in a group? The music is in line with the outfits and varies from classic to modern, extravagant, themed, etc.. Your group dances in the same rhythm with the same movements in one or different directions. You define this yourselves according to your plan. All you need are your rackets and balls, just like in these group choreographies.Synergy
Are you interested in couple dancing, classical, Latin-American, etc.? With one or more partners, individual figures and movements complementing each other to form a whole. Everyone contributes individually, yet coordinated, to a performance according to a choreography worked out for the group. This can be dance-like, artistic with supporting figures, just as it suits your group.Updates and Blogs
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