Mannheimer Abendakademie – BailongBall On-Site Courses and Workshop
October to December 2021, Abendakademie Mannheim offers two BailongBall courses and one workshop. These are face-to-face events. Everybody interested is welcome; no prior knowledge required.
Course location is 68161 Mannheim, U1, 16 – 19, room 605. More details:
- The first course starts on 21 October and includes 6 one-hour training sessions. Details and registration
- The second course starts on 19 November and includes 5 one-hour training sessions. Details and registration
- The workshop takes place on 13 November and spans 3 hours. Details and registration
Shannon Ritz leitet Kurse und Workshop. Sie bringt Rackets und Bälle mit. Für Spaß ist gesorgt 🙂 melde Dich an!
Mike Ritz
BailongBall Trainer