With Heart, Soul, Ball and Racket – Third BailongBall Meeting of Regulars

For the third time this year, BailongBall Players met for their Meeting of Regulars. Like with the other times, there was a lot of playing, exchanging of news and fun. Everybody brought some snacks, the players shared and enjoyed, during the break.

Multiplay was popular once more and for quite some time, the players formed one big circle for passing the ball. Playing the net in teams of two of four was also rather popular, as was Compete Mini. And last but not least, Freestyle captured some players, who practiced various moves and exchanged tips on techniques.

The next meeting is already planned for the beginning of next year. We will announce the event here, as usual – stay tuned.

Mike Ritz
TBBA Trainer

4 thoughts on “Mit Herz, Seele, Ball und Racket – dritter BailongBall Stammtisch

  1. Markus sagt:

    Spiel, Spass, ein wenig Technik, und nicht zuletzt ein gemütliches Beisammensein! Auch der dritte BailongBall Stammtisch in Bensheim war ein voller Erfolg. Herzlichen Dank an Susanne und Mike für die Organisation und die Gastfreundschaft.

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