“A new drive for your everyday life“
Our motto, here in Rostock

We want to make BailongBall known to everybody. And so we had some airtime on a local TV station, in Rostock. You can also find the video on Youtube – just search for „Toitenwinkler Augenzeuge“. Among other things, the video covers an annual event by citizens of the Rostock districts of Toitenwinkel and Dierkowen. The event is open to everybody, young and old. We had an information booth called „kiss the frog“ and has several presentations and activities for everybody to join in.

As you can see in the video, we had a high-ranking visitor, a member of the German Parliament, right out of Berlin: Peter Stein MdB (Member of Parliament). He was also excited about BailongBall. You want to know if he has taken a racket along to Berlin, to the Parliament? See for yourself in Parliament, these days.

Our groups meet once a week in Rostock, in the city districts of Toitenwinkel and Reutershagen.

It is not only the ongoing practicing of the basics, we enjoy but also the progress everybody makes, as well as the ease of playing. We keep noticing the very effect the sport has on our daily lives: we leave practice with a feeling a harmony, which we carry into our every day with great joy.

In short, we love practicing the basics and would love to see more BailongBall cells developing, in Germany, with which we can play and exchange.

Heidi Rempel
BailongBall Trainer

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