Tag Archives: ArtGame-Freestyle

Winter Inspirations

What is weather to you? And how do you feel about winter? That season seems to cater to the following types. There are those who love the cold air, enjoy the snow. And of course there are those who lean towards the warmer seasons, rather stay warm inside and tend to make up for rather inactive winter days during the summer.
Claudine, Philippe und Wilhemina haben mich mit den folgenden Bildern und Videos inspiriert. Lass Dich auch vom Winter verzaubern…

Enjoy the Summer

Just the right weather for BailongBall outdoors. Take advantage of the summer and play in your neighborhood, in the city or of course in the countryside, on the beach, wherever you are. And if you know some people who like to play, do it together. Fun and health under the sun!

On Stage Was in Front of the Stage

Am 16.7 lud Hochstädten zur offenen Bühne eine. Taiji am Neuhof war dabei und zeigten die Vielfalt von BailongBall. Unter dem Motto „Making of“, moderierte Peter Hetzler die Zuschauer durch ein typisches Training. Nach der Vorführung hatte man die Möglichkeit mehr über den Sport zu erfahren, was von vielen Zuschauern gerne angenommen wurde. Und auch das Ausprobieren mit Racket und Ball kam nicht zu kurz.

Mannheimer Abendakademie – BailongBall On-Site Courses and Workshop

Im Oktober bis Dezember 2021 bietet die Abendakademie Mannheim zwei BailongBall Kurse und einen Workshop an. Es handelt sich um Präsenzveranstaltungen. Alle Interessierten sind willkommen; Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich.

City Movement in the Park – BailongBall@ Berlin

im Rahmen von Stadtbewegung im Park werden aktuell in Berllin BailongBall Einführungskurse angeboten. Unter dem Motto „Bewegungsangebote in kleinen Gruppen“, können sich Interessierte wöchentlich im Freien  treffen und die Sportart erlernen

Finger Skills for Freestyle – Part 1

Freestyle is versatile and embodies the dancing of BailongBall. Flowing, circular, swinging, dynamic movements, full of rhythm. Movements that flow through the whole body – spreading all the way to the fingers. There, the racket continues the movements of the body, often in the form of circles.

In our series “Freestyle Elements”, you got a little insight into what is possible when the racket “is spun”. In parts 1, 2 and 3 you could see how Irina combines variations of racket spinning, with different body movements and sequences.

Maybe you wonder how the racket can spin so elegantly, so smoothly and yet quickly, and still not lose contact with the ball? How do you practice something like that? For example, how does Irina manage to “wrap” the racquet around the ball so elegantly (the so-called “scroll”) as in the video of the third part of the “Freestyle Elements” series?

In our small two-part series on “Finger Skills for Freestyle”, we would like to show you a few exercises that help developing the necessary finger skills. In this first part we will practice with the small racquet, the Bailo. In the second part we will switch to the larger racquet.
