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Jinzhong 2024 – Let’s GO

Here we go again…
As every year, Jinzhong becomes the center of events in the BailongBall world for the coming days of competitions. The championships once again showcase our sport in all its disciplines and players from all over the world make the pilgrimage to China.

With their heart in it – the athletes’ show begins with the journey.

TBBF Supervision 2024

Like every year, BailongBall enthusiasts from Europe come together. What began as a supervision session for coaches many years ago has now become a weekend for all players and fans of the sport.

Are you wondering what supervision actually is? Here you get an impression.

In addition to training, you have the opportunity to get to know other players and network, hear the latest news and of course have lots of fun. Like in the years before, there will be something for everyone this year as well: We have planned parallel blocks for Art and Game, which you can choose to your heart’s content. We will also be “playing a round of basketball”.

Workshop for Prospective Senior Trainers

You are already a Junior Trainer, want to become a Senior Trainer and like to prepare for the certification? This 2-day workshop will get you ready for all the game techniques you need to master.

6th Jinzhong Roliball Games

The birthplace of the inventor of our sport Prof Bai is is host to the 6th China Jinzhong International Roliball Competition. It will take place from 8 – 13 September 2024 in the city of Jiexiu, in the administrative area of Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province.

Game Cooperating Net Standard – Rule Update

Time at he TBBF never stands still and so the BailongBall disciplines too are always in flux. With the latest rules update of Game Cooperating Net Standard, the discipline is getting even more colourful and esthetic at the same time. How? Read for yourself….