How to become a certified TBBA Junior Trainer – the Multiplay Techniques (2/3)

Would you like to not only improve your BailongBall game, but also share what you have learned with others? Are you thinking about starting / growing a group of BailongBall players or even becoming a coach? If so, you probably have many questions: How long is the trainer program, what is its content and where is it being offered? Is there an examination and if so, what exactly will I be tested on, by whom and how? Are there different types of trainers or levels and if so, which ones and what distinguishes them? What does a TBBA certification actually stand for? …

In this series of blog posts we want to give you answers to the many questions reagarding the TBBA trainer certifications and encourage you to take the next step in your BailongBall game.
A quick refresher: In the first three parts of this series we will cover the Junior Trainer program and certification. Part 1 deals with the so-called “Solo Techniques”, part 2 with the “Mutiplay Techniques” and part 3 with the “Basic Form”. In part 4 and following we will then focus on the Senior Trainer Progarm and certification. But one step at a time. The Taiji Bailong Ball Association (TBBA) has set out to spread BailongBall in Europe according to the playing principles of the sport’s inventor, Professor Bai Rong. So if you want to learn BailongBall “in the spirit of the inventor”, TBBA is the right place for you. You can get your level of skills certified by TBBA and promote your training or even your school with it. The Junior Trainer is the first level of the TBBA trainer certifications. It gives you the skills and tools to train players in all BailongBall disciplines. In the next level, that of the Senior Trainer, you develop your skills to the point where you can not only further individual talents of advanced players, but also train junior coaches. As an Instructor you will achieve the highest TBBA Trainer certification, which allows you to additionally train senior coaches.
In the Junior Coach program you will learn the playing principles that make this sport unique among ball and racket sports: the round movements, using the entire body, the elasticity, dynamics and smoothness of the moves and finally the receiving of the ball and reversing its direction.
What makes our sport so unique are not only the playing principles but also the game variations. These are also part of your training and allow you to gain a foothold in all disciplines – be it Multiplay, Freestyle or Form. As a Junior Trainer, you will have the capability and flexibility to offer your students the full variety of BailongBall. After last part’s Solo Techniques, in this part we cover Multiplay Techniques. As the name indicates, Multiplay is all about playing with or against others. On court or off court, with or without net. No matter how you play it though, you need the same basic skills and moves.
You can learn those with a trainer on site, but also under guidance via interactive web session (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.). In all, there are 8 basic Multiplay Techniques you will learn and be tested on during your exam. You may recall our posts covering four of them:
The remaining four techniques, we’ll cover in this post. They are:
  • low backhand with side grip
  • high backhand with side grip
  • right to left in front of the body
  • left to right in front of the body
Let us get right to it. We start with the way we hold the racket, the grip.

Standard grip

You may not be spending much thought on it but with BailongBall you can maintain the same grip not matter what ball you play. It is more or less the grip you use when lifting a pan off the stove.
This is what it looks like – top view…
… and side view

Side Grip

And yet, you do have a choice, when it comes to the backhand. It is called the “side grip”.
Here is what it looks like …
…and looking at it from a different angle
Probably the easiest way to tell the difference:
With the standard grip, when you look down on the racket, what you see is the blade. With the side grip, you do not see the blade when looking down on your racket – you only see the frame.

Low Backhand with the Side Grip

Now let us take a look at how you play a low backhand with the side grip.

What you should pay attention to:

  • Your “racket shoulder” faces your partner
  • The frame of your racket points upwards in a 45° angle, when receiving the ball
  • As you receive the ball, place both feet solid on the ground and lower your weight, following the ball’s trajectory
  • Your body’s center of gravity and the ball are now in synch
  • Use your legs to stabilize and to redirect the circular movement of body and ball
  • As you move upwards again, arm and ball move up as well
  • Release the ball when you are standing straight again while your racket is rising

High Backhand with the Side Grip, In Front of the Body Left to Right and Right to Left

Let us take a look at the remaining moves you learn as a Junior Trainer. In this video you will find three more basic Multiplay Techniques that are important for your exam.

If you have any questions about these exercises or would like to talk about them with someone, a TBBA trainer will gladly help you.

Excited about the last part of this series? Simply follow this link.

Susanne Ritz BailongBall Trainer

Mike Ritz BailongBall Trainer


3 thoughts on “So wirst Du zum TBBA zertifizierten Junior Trainer – die Multiplay Techniken (2/3)

  1. Pingback: TBBA Zertifizierungen - so wirst Du zum Junior Trainer (3/3) - Bailong Ball

  2. Michaela Erbes sagt:

    Liebe Community,
    eure Seite ist sehr informativ und mehr noch, sie enthält tolle hilfreiche Anleitungen.
    Vielen Dank dafür!
    Schöne Grüße

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