As every year, BailongBall players and members of the Taiji BailongBall Association (TBBA) meet for a Workshop and Supervision. For two days, all BailongBall disciplines are taught, practiced and played. Players will be joining from many countries, to include France, Germany, Portugal, Russia, etc. Workshop and Supervision are led by Olga Ardasheva, from Russia.

The Workshop is open to all interested. Led by professional TBBA trainers, you can learn the Basics aswell as advanced techniques: Sunday, 6 October, 10 AM – 1 PM The fee is 50 €. Please register with our contact form.


During the Supervision, international TBBA members and trainers practice together and exchange the latest about BailongBall. Trainers extend their annual license, too:

Saturday, 5 October, from 9 AM – 1 PM
Sunday, 6 October, from 10 AM – 1 PM

Workshop and Supervision will take place at Sporthalle, Ahrensburger Weg 30, 22359 in Hamburg, Germany.

Come, join the fun and learn all About BailongBall, by watching or better, yet, by playing!

Mike Ritz
TBBA Trainer

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